▲ Eleutheri Ads
Formerly known as "Linkguard". Eleutheri Ads is the simplest solution for developers looking to monetize their software, without the hassle. Linkguard






Linkguard "Elutheri" Validation Diagram

Eleutheri Ads

  • The simplest solution for developers looking to monetize their software, without the hassle.

Supported Publishers

Getting Started

Validation Methods

API Methods to verify users have completed advertisement links:

  • Discord ID
  • License Key

Discord ID

| Intended Usage: Discord Bots, Web Applications, API’s

Validate completed links via Discord ID:

 const packet = await fetch(`https://link.eleutheri.com/v1/project/:projectPrefix/discord/:discordID`);
 if (packet.status !== 200) {
     return console.log("Invalid License");

 const body = await packet.json();
 if (!body.valid) {
     return console.log("Invalid License");

 console.log("Valid License:", body);

License Key

| Intended Usage: Lua(u) Scripts, Python Scripts, Desktop Applications

 import requests

 project_prefix = ""
 license_key = input("License Key: ")

 response = requests.get("https://link.eleutheri.com/v1/project/{}/licenses/{}".format(project_prefix, license_key))
 if response.status_code != 200:
    print("Invalid License")

 body = response.json()
 if not body["valid"]:
    print("Invalid License")

 print("Valid!", body)


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Currently Listening To:

Song Cover (Local File?)
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